В приступе нарциссизма приволокла сюда отзыв заказчика на мой юлтайдовский фик.
Немножко на похвастаться, немножко на просто пусть тут полежит.Finally getting back to comment properly -- Christmas ex-Yuletide is just hell!
This is a wonderful character study of Galadriel, serene on the surface like ripples on a lake, yet as complex underneath as the ocean currents. I love the way you've depicted time flowing for her, past and future always informing the present. You've created an excellent sense of place for Lothlorien, with neat hints of comparisons with Galadriel's past abodes. I adore the way you've used the mirror to give a gorgeous fleeting glimpse at Finrod, intent on building Nargothrond. And finally I love the quiet yet loving relationship you've given her with Celeborn.
Thank you so much, anonymous author!
себялюбие в разрезе,