a) Nay, nay, everybody knows that all good the stuff comes from the US of A ! (For fuck's sake, he'll fit right in with the boys, Jo, who acts like she's 13 despite being 22, and all the others.)
b) Bobby is the sweetest guy you could have ever met, unless he decides to go all father-figure on you. At that point, moving two states and three fandoms away is possibly the smartest move.
c) Why would a girl need more ? And we get lots of dead gitlfriends of the week, BTW!
d) My fandom had suddenly regained its Christianity and decided, that it doesn't need a harem full of men, women, and anthoropomorphic personifications of all shapes and sizes. From now on, it will monogamously, incestuously, and happily (if creepily) ever after
*мотает головой* Никуда )) Просто тебе близок Бьякуя и ты его играешь иногда ) *c) chire... - это было хорошо )))* А у меня то же самое с Рукией )) Вот я и подумала )))
moody flooder a) ... because good old US of A doesn't hesitate to tell this to everyone all over the world. But this once you will be foiled! And all the substitute shinigami-lookalikes will assume their proper places! (that he might. Or go be more grownup than everybody else. But he'll have no Matsumoto to command. Does he really want that? My fandom will let him invite your boys, okay. And introduce them to Matsumoto)
b) Father-figures... What did that remind me of? Oh. I know. My fandom will have Kurosaki Isshin visit Mr Winchester senior and commiserate with him on the difficulties of bringing up motherless boys, missing dead wives etc. Mr Winchester senior will run away and hide.
c) For spares! Besides, there's no such thing as too much eye candy. (Good god, did you borrow all our female extras?)
d) Did your fandom have Christianity in the first place? (also, my fandom wants to know if your boys saw a black cat heading your way)
That it did. And threatening to swallow half of Japan quite soon.
a) My fandom has to deal with illegal immigrants from other fandoms on a regular basis. If your fandom wanna share responsibility, it's always welcome (He can always have either Ellen or Jo, as neither of them is getting any with the boys anytime soon XD And they are both blonde, BTW XD)
b) I've quitted watching Bleach before Isshin's big secret was revealed, so I don't know much about him
c) I was quite surprised with the amount of kick-ass female characters on this shows. I LURVE this fandom.
d) Yeah, one of the boys is canonically religious. The other one believed in Daddy. Sucks being him.
Other than that, the (non)existence of God & angels is, as of now, the subject of fannish speculations. Me, I don't want to know what do angels look like in the universe where demons look like travelling salesmen with unfortunate cocaine addiction.
OMG, our fandoms should never, ever, under any circumstances have unprotected sex, as the thought of their babies KILLZ ME DEAD. They would SO bring on the Apocalypse.
s_kai разве не долг каждого достойного брата следить за благополучием сестры во всех отношениях?
moody flooder a) does it? I wonder why... Do these immigrants like to battle monsters? We have Hollows to spare... (Ah, but do they have her excellent... qualities?)
b) well, secret or no secret, he can bowl people over with sheer annoyingness!
c) Whee. I can't believe you have more kick-ass girls than we do. We have female ninjas! And fireworks!
d) Well, if Daddy does a second coming, sonny's kind ofvalidated, isn't he?
a) Those illegal immigrants ARE monsters! High time custom-house did something about them. (Yeah, like, in spades! Also, they have, like, actual personalities to go with 'em!)
b) He could have bonded with Papa Winchester over that XD Papa Winchester's Brooding Stance of Doom vs Isshin's Bounciness of Doom - who wins? Coming soon!
c) We have shotguns and heavy drinking XD
d) I think so, yeah. OMG, is it autumn yet?.. A pity
But seriously, can you imagine what monstrosities they could sprout?
moody flooder a) And you still invite immigrants? Do you want some spare hollows, cheaply? (Matsumoto's ... qualities... in SPADES... my brain imagined that literally and finally broke for good)
b) *nods* Yes. That's what I'm talking about. Maybe your fandom should go into business partnership with my fandom. Organizin Matches of Doom. I think Urahara will make a good business manager for that.
c) Everyone has heavy drinking. And we have little girls with bazookas - do you?
d) What, waiting for second coming in the next season?
No, I can't. My brain broke two posts ago anyway. Can you?
s_kai *складывает апельсины на тумбочку и, напряженно подумав, интересуется успехами в работе*
прости, жуткий оффтоп, слегка авралим, а я застряла О,о как по-англ. сказать "о деталях мы сообщим дополнительно"? We will inform you of the details... или еще - отдельно, какое-то такое слово, вертится на языке, а поймать не могу, схожу с ума потихоньку )) не подскажешь?.. не later, а как-то... ыыы...
s_kai *сама авралю и торможу* separately? И еще построение фразы меня немножко смущает - как-то хочется сделать "детали" подлежащим, но не соображу, как это сделать.
Нет, тут не в деталях суть, это я взяла конструкцию для примера, меня именно вот это последнее слово грызет... не separately, не additionally тем более, там какое-то другое слово, очень часто в таких предложениях используется, а я не помню (
Эх, придется, видимо шлепать на уровне пятого класса soon ))
Знаешь, я сейчас играю в одну форумку, роль сестренки одного такого до мозга костей аристократа И так интересно - отношения сестренки с братом как списаны с Рукии и Бьякуи - ну, разве что сестренка более жизнерадостная и прыгучая, чем Рукия Но аристократ на Бьякую похож, как две капли воды. Удивительно
a) Nay, nay, everybody knows that all good the stuff comes from the US of A ! (For fuck's sake, he'll fit right in with the boys, Jo, who acts like she's 13 despite being 22, and all the others.)
b) Bobby is the sweetest guy you could have ever met, unless he decides to go all father-figure on you. At that point, moving two states and three fandoms away is possibly the smartest move.
c) Why would a girl need more ? And we get lots of dead gitlfriends of the week, BTW!
d) My fandom had suddenly regained its Christianity and decided, that it doesn't need a harem full of men, women, and anthoropomorphic personifications of all shapes and sizes. From now on, it will monogamously, incestuously, and happily (if creepily) ever after
This comment thread officially ate Boston
*мотает головой* Никуда )) Просто тебе близок Бьякуя и ты его играешь иногда ) *c) chire... - это было хорошо )))* А у меня то же самое с Рукией )) Вот я и подумала )))
moody flooder a) ... because good old US of A doesn't hesitate to tell this to everyone all over the world. But this once you will be foiled! And all the substitute shinigami-lookalikes will assume their proper places! (that he might. Or go be more grownup than everybody else. But he'll have no Matsumoto to command. Does he really want that? My fandom will let him invite your boys, okay. And introduce them to Matsumoto)
b) Father-figures... What did that remind me of? Oh. I know. My fandom will have Kurosaki Isshin visit Mr Winchester senior and commiserate with him on the difficulties of bringing up motherless boys, missing dead wives etc. Mr Winchester senior will run away and hide.
c) For spares! Besides, there's no such thing as too much eye candy. (Good god, did you borrow all our female extras?)
d) Did your fandom have Christianity in the first place? (also, my fandom wants to know if your boys saw a black cat heading your way)
That it did. And threatening to swallow half of Japan quite soon.
*обрела брата, ходит счастливая ))*
a) My fandom has to deal with illegal immigrants from other fandoms on a regular basis. If your fandom wanna share responsibility, it's always welcome (He can always have either Ellen or Jo, as neither of them is getting any with the boys anytime soon XD And they are both blonde, BTW XD)
b) I've quitted watching Bleach before Isshin's big secret was revealed, so I don't know much about him
c) I was quite surprised with the amount of kick-ass female characters on this shows. I LURVE this fandom.
d) Yeah, one of the boys is canonically religious. The other one believed in Daddy. Sucks being him.
Other than that, the (non)existence of God & angels is, as of now, the subject of fannish speculations. Me, I don't want to know what do angels look like in the universe where demons look like travelling salesmen with unfortunate cocaine addiction.
OMG, our fandoms should never, ever, under any circumstances have unprotected sex, as the thought of their babies KILLZ ME DEAD. They would SO bring on the Apocalypse.
Во-от! Мысли сестер читать чревато! ) *сдала Унохане-тайчо)*
moody flooder a) does it? I wonder why... Do these immigrants like to battle monsters? We have Hollows to spare... (Ah, but do they have her excellent... qualities?)
b) well, secret or no secret, he can bowl people over with sheer annoyingness!
c) Whee. I can't believe you have more kick-ass girls than we do. We have female ninjas! And fireworks!
d) Well, if Daddy does a second coming, sonny's kind ofvalidated, isn't he?
*dies. Then dies again, from curiosity*
a) Those illegal immigrants ARE monsters! High time custom-house did something about them. (Yeah, like, in spades! Also, they have, like, actual personalities to go with 'em!)
b) He could have bonded with Papa Winchester over that XD Papa Winchester's Brooding Stance of Doom vs Isshin's Bounciness of Doom - who wins? Coming soon!
c) We have shotguns and heavy drinking XD
d) I think so, yeah. OMG, is it autumn yet?.. A pity
But seriously, can you imagine what monstrosities they could sprout?
Несомненно. *навещает в больничном крыле и приносит апельсины)*
b) *nods* Yes. That's what I'm talking about. Maybe your fandom should go into business partnership with my fandom. Organizin Matches of Doom. I think Urahara will make a good business manager for that.
c) Everyone has heavy drinking. And we have little girls with bazookas - do you?
d) What, waiting for second coming in the next season?
No, I can't. My brain broke two posts ago anyway. Can you?
s_kai *складывает апельсины на тумбочку и, напряженно подумав, интересуется успехами в работе*
*с серьезным видом выдает подробный и полный список достижений - кажется, цитирует выдержку из недельного лейтенантского отчета*
И так день за днем? )
Эх, придется, видимо шлепать на уровне пятого класса soon ))
Та же беда с мозгами
Знаешь, я сейчас играю в одну форумку, роль сестренки одного такого до мозга костей аристократа И так интересно - отношения сестренки с братом как списаны с Рукии и Бьякуи - ну, разве что сестренка более жизнерадостная и прыгучая, чем Рукия Но аристократ на Бьякую похож, как две капли воды. Удивительно
Ух ты! Хотя тип, наверное, не то чтобы уникальный...
Но ведь совпало как! И тип, и сестренка есть, и мне достался Определенное ух ты!
Ага, здорово. Это оригинальное или по какому-то фэндому?
А я все жду выходных, чтобы выспаться
Оригинальное. И с на удивление неплохим уровнем отыгрыша - не яой в декорациях, как это часто бывает
Это хорошо, да.