1. The music started, and was I the perplexed one; I held my breath, and said, may I have the next one?
2. Like a dud firework that goes off in your face, we should have lit the sky but we burned down the whole place.
4. As the clouds surrender my fate is for certain — I'm a sailor who runs to the sea.
5. Por eso aún estoy en el lugar de siempre, en la misma ciudad y con la misma gente.
6. I thought if I could hurt her, then she couldn't leave; she'd need someone to nurse her, someone could be me.
9. I took your picture with my trusty Roliflex, and now all I have developed is a complex.
11. Things are mending now, I see a rainbow blending now.
13. So I go on asking if maybe one day you’ll care, I tell my sad little dreams to the soft evening air.
14. And I bet you're making shells back home for a steady man to wear.